Kyle Anderson
Kyle has parlayed his Theatre Studies degree into writing about Doctor Who and horror movies. Pretty good if you can get it. He thinks of himself as a mixture of John Cleese, James Bond, and Betty Crocker. But without any of their specific talents.

W(h)ither Monsters?

7 Things I Hope Happen in Doctor Who Series 6

Reboot Rage

New Full Length Doctor Who Trailer

Doctor Who: “The Impossible Astronaut” Prequel!!!!!!

Doctor Who Series 6 Teaser AND Torchwood: Miracle Day Start Date!!

Podcasting in a Doctor Who World

Doctor Who for Newbies: Torchwood

Doctor Who Experience – Even More Reason to Visit London

Doctor Who DVDs 3-8-11

Gallifrey One 2011: Wrap-Up From The Trenches

RIP, Nicholas Courtney

Travel to Gallifrey This Weekend!

The Twelfth Doctor is….. CRAIG FERGUSON!!!

The Doctor Is a Fairy (Tale)

New Doctor Who DVDs 02/08/11

Doctor Who for Newbies: The Eleventh Doctor

Doctor Who for Newbies: The Tenth Doctor

Doctor Who: Days of Future Past

Doctor Who DVDs Out Today

Doctor Who for Newbies: The Ninth Doctor

The Trilogy is Complete!

DOCTOR WHO for Newbies: The Eighth Doctor & The Wilderness Years