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Did GAME OF THRONES Just Confirm the Ultimate Fan Theory?

This post is dark and full of potential spoilers! But if you’re a reader of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire novels then you’ve probably already come to the same conclusion about the identity of a certain bastard’s mother on Game of Thrones. Last night’s episode of Game of Thrones took the first steps towards confirming a long held fan theory and today’s Nerdist News has the breakdown!

Seriously though, we do have some spoilers for Sunday’s Game of Thrones. If you aren’t current with the show, stop reading now!

Not only did Game of Thrones resurrect Jon Snow in the closing seconds of last night’s episode, it featured the return of Jon’s half-brother, Bran Stark. But what if Bran isn’t Jon Snow’s brother at all? There’s long been a theory that Jon isn’t Ned’s bastard. Instead, speculation has centered on Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen as Jon’s parents, which would make him both a Stark and a Targaryen!

In “Home,” Bran witnessed a vision of Ned and Lyanna as children, and it looks like next week’s episode will take Bran to the Tower of Joy, a pivotal location in the books where Ned made an enigmatic promise to his sister. Did Ned swear to protect Jon from the vengeful Robert Baratheon by hiding his true parentage? There have also been hints that Rhaegar and Lyanna’s relationship wasn’t as one-sided as we were initially led to believe.

And could there be another stealth Targaryen in the series? Join senior editor Dan Casey and science editor Kyle Hill as they look at the clues!

Do you agree with the theory about Jon Snow’s parentage? And is there a third Targaryen on Game of Thrones? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

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