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What the Heck is Up with Melisandre on GAME OF THRONES?

Editor’s note: Today’s episode of Nerdist News contains spoilers for the Game of Thrones season six premiere.

The night is dark and full of WTF-ery thanks to everything that went down on last night’s season six premiere of Game of Thrones. (Need a refresher? Try our recap on for size!) But even with moments featuring some of our favorites (and that dead dude in the snow), the most shocking moment of all was that very spoiler-y Melisandre moment from the end of the episode. Our minds are reeling with the possibility of what it might mean and how it changes the game in the Known Realm, so we’re breaking it all down — from book to screen and beyond — on today’s Nerdist News.

For those in need of a quick refresher, here’s what happened: after dealing with the realization that what she saw in the flames—namely Jon Snow fighting at Winterfell—might not be true, Melisandre stripped down to her birthday suit …only this time it was a heck of a lot older-looking than all those other times. Magic, R’hllor the Lord of Light, and his many Red Priests and Priestesses are clearly going to play a major part in this season. Now we just gotta figure out the how and why of it all. Curious just how old she is? Ever consider that she might be immortal? Let Jessica Chobot break it all down on today’s show.

While we’re here, did you hear about our new Game of Thrones recap show, All Kings Considered? It’s all the Game of Thrones-y goodness you want, wrapped in a delightfully satirical newscast exterior. Every Monday, our very own Tripp Blackfyre and Megan Frey-Burlington dissect the breaking news out of Westeros and Essos, with their helpful, handy correspondents. Whether you’re a fan of the Old Gods or the New, it’s not to be missed.

What secrets do you think Melisandre still has hidden from us? Do you believe her to be immortal? The bastard lovechild of Lady Shiera and the Bloodraven? Let us know in the comments below.

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