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Wood Burning Xenomorph Stove is Brilliantly Terrifying

Fan art comes in all shapes and sizes and is not limited strictly to drawing mash-ups of different pop culture characters. A technology teacher in England named Alex Dodson who runs a company called Burned By Design as a side gig, decided to take his love of the Alien franchise to a new level by building a wood burning stove shaped like the head of the iconic monster, the Xenomorph. Yes, the drooling, multi-mouthed alien creature that has haunted your nightmares returns…this time filled with fire.


Dodson put up a page on Instructables detailing the build, and we’ll run you through a stripped down version with some of the pictures he provided. Dodson used a bunch of old propane cylinders for this build, which he traced and cut with a torch to build the two main pieces for the head.


Those separate canisters then had to be shaped with a whole lot of brute force and sledgehammer time in order to get the proper curve for the Xenomorph’s elongated head. Soon the two pieces became one through the use of a trusty ol’ welding torch, and it was time for detailing.


After cutting and adding jaws, teeth, the visor hood, and some finer details, Dodson’s creation just needed a buff and a paint to be ready. Check out his Instructables page for a more detailed version of his instructions.


Mr. Dodson is no stranger to metal work, especially when it comes to building pop-culture inspired wood burners. I’m sure many saw the picture of his Witch King design that was circling the internet a little over a month ago, but he also has several Star Wars, Marvel, DC, and other Sci-Fi themed pieces as well. You can see all of his designs on Instructables, as well on his company’s Facebook page.

What do you think? Something you’d put in your backyard? Let us know in the comments below.

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