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The INHUMANS Take on X-MEN, and More Marvel SDCC News

Tons of news was dropped by all the major publishers at Comic-Con last week, so let’s catch up with the stories you might have missed, starting with all things Marvel….

Inhumans vs X-Men, and more Marvel SDCC announcements

Marvel Comics made several announcements at Comic-Con this past weekend, chief among them the news that an Inhumans vs X-Men event series is coming soon, opening up that long simmering conflict in a much bigger way. Inhumans vs. X-Men will be a six part event series, and would tie into the recently announced Death of X and Inhumans/X-Men: Terrigenocide series.

According to Joe Quesada at his yearly “Cup O’ Joe” Comic-Con panel, this event series will have “the fate of their species at stake.” Writers Charles Soule and Jeff Lemire, along with Leinil Yu will be the creative team on this series. No release date has been given yet.

Also announced was Black Panther: World of Wakanda, which explores stories spinning out of Ta-Nehisi Coates’s current Black Panther series, and focuses on two former Dora Milaje. Coates is co-writing with Roxane Gay, with Alitha Martinez on art chores.

But maybe the coolest Marvel announcement was the upcoming release of the illustrated storybook Goodnight Groot, a parody of Goodnight Moon starring the Guardians of the Galaxy characters. Joe Quesada joked on the panel that Samuel L. Jackson should narrate an audio version, and I wholeheartedly concur. [Newsarama]

Assassin’s Creed: Templars Coming from Titan Comics

UK publisher Titan Comics have announced Assassin’s Creed: Templars, an all- new mini-series of Assassin’s Creed manga, collected for the first time in English. The series is written by Yano Takashi, with interior art and covers by Oiwa Kenji. Assassin’s Creed: Awakening is the latest in a line of comics based on the Assassin’s Creed universe including the upcoming Assassin’s Creed: Last Descendants – Locus. Below is the official description of the series from the publisher:

“Jump back into the world of Edward Kenway, lead character of the best-selling fan favorite game, Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag, in this beautiful manga adaptation. Return to the Golden Age of Pirates is this swashbuckling adventure set in the time period featured in the hit Ubisoft video game Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag!” You can check out the cover for the first issue above.

Wildstorm Characters Will Be Joining DC’s Rebirth Soon

One of the big omissions upon DC’s big Rebirth was the total lack of any Wildstorm characters. Although we now know that Wildstorm characters Apollo and Midnighter are returning in an all-new mini-series in October, what about the rest of them?

According to a comment made by DC co-publisher (and Wildstorm comics creator) Jim Lee at Comic-Con, he said DC Comics will soon have an announcement about the Wildstorm characters joining the DC Universe again, and it will “blow our minds.” But the announcement for just what that is won’t be coming until New York Comic-Con in October. So patience, Wildstorm fans. All good things to those who wait. [Bleeding Cool]

The Justice Society Will Also Return to the DC Universe 

Speaking of characters missing from the DC Universe, ever since the New 52 era began, the WWII heroes of the Justice Society of America have been missing in action — essentially erased from history. But in Geoff Johns’ DC Rebirth special it hinted that they might be back, a fact confirmed by Johns at a panel at SDCC. When a fan asked about a potential return of the JSA, he said “I one-thousand percent have plans for Justice Society,” and mentioned they would also be appearing on TV in Legends of Tomorrow. What the comic book plans are for the JSA is not yet known, but it’s good to know there are plans in motion. [CBR]

Jem’s Rivals The Misfits to get their own IDW series

If you loved the Jem and the Holograms cartoon as a kid, chances are the real reason you watched it was for Jem’s rival “bad girl” band, the Misfits. Publisher IDW is looking to capitalize on Misfits mania, and announced at SDCC that Pizzazz, Roxy, and Stormer will be getting their own Misfits series, spinning out of the ongoing Jem and the Holograms comic.

The new series will be written by Kelly Thompson, with covers by M. Victoria Robado, and interiors by an artist to be announced at a later date. Writer Kelly Thompson had this to say about the new Misfits series: “We’re very excited about The Misfits getting a chance to have their own spotlight, especially since everyone knows their ‘songs are better.’ (nice reference to the Jem theme song there, Ms. Thompson). [Comics Alliance]

Robert Kirkman has changed the ending of The Walking Dead again

For years, creator Robert Kirkman has said that he had a set plan for the end of his hit comic book series The Walking Dead in mind. Now, that set plan seems to have changed. While speaking on a panel at SDCC with series artist Charlie Adlard and Skybound’s Sean Mackiewicz, Kirkman revealed that  “the end has changed. There was one version that would have had it ending as soon as everybody reached Alexandria.”

Obviously, fans of both the TV series and the comic know it didn’t end there. Considering what a cash-cow The Walking Dead is in comic book form and TV form, it makes sense that Kirkman would want to keep the story going for as long as possible. Let’s just say I don’t see Rick Grimes and the gang catching a break anytime soon. [Comic Book]

Dark Horse Announces Tomb Raider Archives

Also announced at SDCC, publisher Dark Horse Comics have revealed that they are releasing a Tomb Raider Archive later this year. Described as “all 50 issues of the best-selling Top Cow comic, Tomb Raider Journeys, and one-shots” Tomb Raider Archives will be released in four volumes, with volume one out in November. With a new movie coming soon, it’s no wonder Dark Horse is looking to get in on some of that Tomb Raider action before the movie hype starts. [Bleeding Cool]

Images: Marvel Comics / DC Comics / Dark Horse Comics / Image Comics / IDW Entertainment / Titan Comics

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