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Talkin’ JESSICA JONES Secrets and DAREDEVIL with Melissa Rosenberg

Are you watching Nerdist News today because you want to, or because we’re compelling you to with our minds? Did we mention our real last name is Kilgrave? No? Well buckle up, regardless, because we’re going full-speed-ahead into dissecting the latest Jessica Jones trailer—Marvel and Netflix’s next best binge you won’t want to miss (trust, we’ve seen it).

But it wouldn’t be fair for us to speculate without basis, so we were lucky enough to have series showrunner Melissa Rosenberg pop in to chat with Jessica Chobot about Kilgrave’s general evilness—played by fan-favorite Doctor Who Doctor, David Tennant—and the limitation of his powers, how Jessica Jones deals with her PTSD, what it’s like to bring Marvel’s darkest adult comic—Alias—to the screen, the challenge behind creating a female-led Marvel series, Luke Cage’s role in the series, and whether or not we’ll end up seeing a crossover with the other Hells Kitchen superfolk like her other Marvel/Netflix neighbor, Daredevil. Mystery! Intrigue! Spoilers! Darkness! Krysten Ritter! How could you not be excited for this new series, you guys?!

Thanks for watching today’s episode! Make sure you keep it locked here to watch Melissa Rosenberg answer even MORE questions about your new favorite Marvel show. Are you looking forward to Jessica Jones? Let us know in the comments below, ya silly geese!

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor of The Nerdist. She, too, is constantly weighing the merits of David Tennant being able to control her mind, `usually on Twitter (@alicialutes).

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