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Sushi Bazooka: Just What Your Sushi Needs, More Firepower!

Sushi is one of the most popular meals around the world, and keeping up with demand can be tough. Luckily/horrifyingly, now there’s a sushi bazooka to speed up your sushi intake. This is not to be confused with a product that bazookas sushi into your mouth, though that would be amazing. Instead, this product helps you make sushi in an easy, fast manner. Thus, “sushi-easy” — the Sushezi!

Brought to you by the oddly mechanical sounding Hydraflow Industries out of New Zealand, the Sushezi promises easy to make sushi at home that will impress your friends. The PR on this is magnificent: “It’s like magic!” “Just add rice!” “No way!” All the exclamation points! Sadly, the reality is slightly less exciting.

The Sushezi works like a traditional Japanese sushi press: you add a layer of rice, then a layer of fillings (vgetables, fish or non-traditional cream cheese or meat). As the company states, the filling can be anything since YOU’RE in control! Once the fillings are added, close it up and plunge away. If you were hoping for a t-shirt cannon type of explosion, you’re going to be disappointed. This is more like a quiet ooze kind of combustion.

Despite the lack of firepower, this device truly does make creating sushi at home pretty easy. If you can use a tire inflator, you’re more than capable of becoming your own in-house Sushezi chef. Just feel free to add your own explosive sounds for full bazooka effect.

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