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Rolled Up Kitchen Towels That Resemble Sushi

Sushi has become one of the most popular choices for things to eat, right up there with pizza and hamburgers. You can find sushi everywhere from hockey game eats to gas station take out. Don’t take that last fact as a recommendation.

So it just makes sense that fish and rice lovers would want to incorporate sushi into their everyday lives. If wiping your hands with a maki roll sounds ideal, sushi towels are here to fulfill your dreams.

Right now these towels are just a concept for OTOTO by designer Jenny Pokryvail, who’s also known for designing the world’s most adorable serving tool, the Nessie Ladle. Seriously. Every kitchen needs a Loch Ness Monster in their soup pot.

The sushi towels look like little rolls with colors resembling cucumber, fish and egg. When laid out, these towels are beautiful color blocks that look similar to modern art prints. Roll them up and they become fluffy, absorbent versions of faux Salmon Rolls, Tuna Roll, Crab Roll and Tamago Rolls.

Just think how fun these would be as party favors for a sushi themed dinner party, or better yet as props for a photoshoot with your cat. Yes to that second one, definitely.


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  1. Mychelle says:

    This is for rich people, right?