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All of DEADPOOL’s Deleted Scenes Revealed

Warning: The following article and above video may contain spoilers. 

Plenty of slicing and dicing happened on screen during Deadpool, but some serious cuts were also made to the script before filming, due to budgetary restrictions and some original content being deemed as “super offensive.” Thanks to Mr Sunday Movies however, we now know what was removed in order to bring the “Merc with a Mouth” to life.

In the above video, all of the cuts and compromises that were made between the first leaked draft of the Deadpool script in 2010, and the final product released on February 12, 2016, are revealed. And although “70% remains intact” from the original leaked draft, lots of content and character cameos had to be disregarded, including set pieces, gun battles, and… Amy Winehouse references.

Although the action sequences in the film were certainly stellar bloodbaths, it did seem like they were confined to just a small handful of locales. This was not originally the plan, as there was supposed to be “an extension of the highway sequence between Ajax and Deadpool” that would’ve led to a motorcycle chase, culminating in a battle in a house being transported on a truck bed. The other action sequence that was cut was a “Raid-style” gun battle that would’ve taken place up through a building during the climactic fight scene—which is the real reason Deadpool “forgot” his guns at home. Both of these scenes were chopped like a cuffed Deadpool hand due to budget constraints.

Deadpool was also supposed to travel the world looking for a cure for his cancer (which would’ve included him pulling a doctor’s heart out of his chest), as well as a sequence where he tries to kill himself over and over again, only to find out that that’s not really possible for a super-healing mutate.

Other Ajax henchmen were also supposed to take part in the film, including Wire, Garrison Kane, and Sluggo, but they were all dropped in favor of Angel Dust, “so the film would have a kickass female presence.” The reveal of Dr. Killebrew being the one behind Weapon X was also supposed to be in the film, although he was cut and may show up in the sequel.

Also, there was supposed to be “a running gag throughout the film, cutting to Amy Winehouse narrowly avoiding death, only to be hit by a bus in the credits,” to which Deadpool would’ve said “and you would’ve thought it’d been an overdose.” Then in 2011 Amy Winehouse did actually die of an overdose, so that obviously had to be removed.

Even though there was a lot cut from this first Deadpool movie, hopefully much of it will regrow—like some kind of freakishly small hand—in the upcoming sequel.

What do you think about these Deadpool cuts? Let us know in the comments section below!

HT: Laughing Squid
Images: Marvel via Mr. Sunday Movies

For more Deadpool, check out Nerdist News’ look at all the movie’s Easter eggs!



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