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Hello Kitty Con: Bento Tastes Better When It Looks Like Hello Kitty

Edible adorableness is everywhere these days. Take just one look at pinterest and you’ll find the fascination with bento making, the art of crafting a cute ‘box lunch,’ is on the rise. Add a touch of Hello Kitty and suddenly the kawaii meter is off the charts.

At this weekend’s first annual Hello Kitty Con, the hot ticket was to gain entry to workshops that focused on adorable food. Nikki Gilbert aka The Sushi Girl, taught all day classes full of students both with and without children who couldn’t wait to find out how to make the lunch of their dreams.

Hello Kitty Bento Class at Hello Kitty ConWith the help of a Hello Kitty rice ball press and cutter, Gilbert showed how easy it is to create sushi pieces with just a few simple techniques. She advised that building a bento box is like furnishing a room: big focal pieces first, then accoutrements to round out all the decorative details. Fruit, vegetables, and even candy can add key elements to bring your bento to life. They had me at candy for lunch.

The class was so fun and easy to follow, we have to wonder why all food doesn’t have anthropomorphic faces! Students walked away with a new bento box filled with their edible Hello Kitty creations and inspiration for lunch that will make their co-workers, kids, and friends jealous.

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  1. Totem says:

    Nice post. Lucky you for getting into a workshop! How many people were in your classes?