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Scream at a Wall: Hot Nerds Are Our Favorite Punk Band Right Now

Wipe the blood from your teeth and get in the pit, it’s time for a recap of this week’s best hardcore, metal, and punk rock. We dug through the record crates to find the new tunes we think you need to spin and rage to. Was raging one of your goals for 2016? Supreme raging? Good, you came to the right place. The year is just getting started, but there’s so much good stuff on the horizon it’ll make your blood run black. You know, in a good way. Strap in kiddies, it’s time to rock.

Bob's Burgers From Fox Network

We’ve been telling you that the new Bloodiest album is amazing for a while now. We even hosted an exclusive stream of the whole thing earlier this week. Well, folks, it’s out now and you need to buy it. You can listen to it below, absorb its awesomeness, and then take some of your hard earned cash and support this band. Buy a record, a digital copy, a shirt, a ticket to a show, anything! We need more stuff like this in our lives. Bloodiest rules. This album rules.

The other big album out this week is Chasms from Lycus. Heavy, dark, with mood so thick you could drizzle it on your waffles, this album is the soundtrack to your own funeral. It’s a nightmare in music form, a journey through some Lovecraftian dream cycle. Buy this album, turn off the lights, put it on repeat, and summon the dark gods. Holy crap, guys, this stuff is good. Check out the track “Mirage” below.

The new Magrudergrind album doesn’t hit until February 12, but we’ve got a new music video for the track “Sacrificial Hire” and it’s ugly, frantic, and intense. I’m not entirely sure how to describe what is happening in this video. Actually, I’m not sure anything is happening in this video, but the song kicks all kinds of butt, so it’s worth it for that, I suppose.

On the subject of bizarre music videos comes “Little ‘N’ Pretty” from Death Index. It feels a bit like an art project, which I gather is the point. The song is a good one, too, giving us a hint as to what the debut album will sound like when it’s released via Deathwish Inc. in a few short weeks. It’s got a droning, garage punk tone. It never peaks, just pounds at a steady clip for the entire running time.

Gadget, the Swedish grindcore monsters, have released two new tracks from their upcoming Relapse Records album. It’s punishing proof that Relapse is making 2016 the Year of grindcore. Seriously, this is brutal sounding and I can’t wait to hear more. If blast beats and monstrous growls are your thing, check out the track “The Great Destroyer” below. You won’t regret it. (via Noisey)

Black Tusk’s Pillar of Ash is still about two weeks away, but we’ve got another new track to hold us over until the day that the sweet, sweet record is in our hands. This one is called “Desolation of Endless Times” and it’s that glorious, sludgy sound we all love. Raw, fierce, and rapid, this song isn’t pulling any punches. January 29 can’t come soon enough. We need to rage to this record.

Hot Nerds play frantic, chaotic punk rock. It’s manic and insane, beautiful in the chaos it lays before you. Fans of The Blood Brothers and Retox will find lots to love here. Their EP is due February 9 and they have been slowly sharing tracks from it. Below we’ve got “Faded Ripper,” which is all kinds of madness. Our friends at Noisey are hosting another track called “Belated Brains” that is also a brain pounder.

Finally, we’ve got a tease from our friends over at Prosthetic Records. They just announced that they’ve signed the doom, post-metal group Spirit Adrift and that an EP will b coming this February. There’s a tease via Youtube that gives you a small hint at what’s coming, and it’s fantastic. I’ve heard the whole record and I can safely tell you folks that it is beyond rad and something you’ll definitely want to check out.

Featured Image: FOX



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