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Scream At a Wall: Hardcore, Metal, and Punk Releases for 12/19/15

Hail Santa! This is it, the last chance to get heavy before Christmas. We searched the dark corners of the internet and found all the best metal, punk, and hardcore you need to get you through the holidays. So gather the family around, and when the snow begins to fall, crank the stereo to eleven and freaking thrash. Throw some horns up and let’s get to it.

The Office

In case you missed it, we premiered a song from the new Baroness album! It’s called “Kerosene” and it’s from Purple which is in stores now, at this very moment. The whole album is great and definitely worthy of some of your hard earned cash. It’s one of the guys most straightforward and lean albums to date, playing hard and fast. All killer, no filler, as they say. Well, I say that. Maybe you don’t, but I do. Check out “Kerosene” and then go buy this record. We’ll wait for you to get back.

Hey, you’re back! Great, now you can listen to another new Black Tusk song. With each track released, we get more and more excited for Pillars of Ash. This one’s called “Born of Strife” and it’s got some killer licks along with the standard Black Tusk swampy sludge. This album is already looking to be one of 2016’s best releases and it’s not even out yet.

Our friends at Deathwish Inc. have announced they be releasing a self-titled album from Death Index early in 2016. The band is a new project from Carson Cox (Merchandise, Neon Blud, Church Whip) and Marco Rapisarda (La Piovra, Sgurd, Archaic) and sounds like kind of punk rock born in garage and drenched in feedback. You can check out the song “Dream Machine” below.

Fucking Invincible (awesome band name) have release a new EP called I Hate Myself and Want You to Die (great album name). This group features members of the supremely and sorely missed Daughters, which puts this EP in the “instant buy” category. It’s blistering and brutal stuff, rip-roaring grindcore that feels like you are getting punched in the face repeatedly. I freaking love it and think you will too. The whole thing is out today and you can pre-order the vinyl from Atomic Action Records right now.

Growing up in Huntington Beach meant that Ignite were my local, hardcore heroes. I went to all the shows, own multiple shirts in various stages of decay, and obsessively buy everything they put out. On January 8th, these dudes are releasing a new album – their first in years – and it is shaping up to be awesome. You can check out the first single “This Is A War” below. It sounds exactly like Ignite has always sounded, melodic, fast, and heavy. I can’t recommend these guys enough, this is the soundtrack of my youth. I adore it.

That’s it for this week. We’ll see you guys after the holidays.  In the meantime, if there’s a metalcore, grindcore, hardcore, or any other core song you think the world needs to hear, sound off in the comments below. \m/

Image: 20th Century Fox

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