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New VICE PRINCIPALS Ad Reveals Bill Murray as the Old Boss

We were already excited for HBO‘s upcoming new comedy Vice Principals, in which Danny McBride and Walton Goggins play two competing, totally inappropriate high school administrators vying to be the new head of their school at any cost, before the latest promo.

Then this new commercial revealed that Bill Murray himself is playing the outgoing principal, and only now do we know what true excitement is. In this short ad, that we first saw at the AV Club, Murray’s outgoing principal tells the two potential replacements that he “could give a damn whoever it is” that will take his spot.

“It’s all about the students; it’s not about you two.”

If you’ve seen any of the trailers for the show, you know McBride’s Neal Gamby and Goggin’s Lee Russell do not look like they are going to take that advice to heart. Heck, Vice Principal Gamby couldn’t get through this conversation without taking a dig at Russell. “It’s very wise. I get it. I mean it might take a little while for it to sink in with this one here.” Murray’s part on the show might be limited to this one episode (his role is not even listed on IMDB as of yet), but no matter, we’ll take whatever Bill Murray we can get. It’ll also be fun to see him be the responsible one for once.

The show premieres this summer on July 17th, and has an 18-episode run first season. In the meantime, don’t forget to watch our interview with McBride and Goggins at this year’s SXSW.

What are you most looking forward to with this show? Report to our comments section below to tell us your thoughts.

Image: HBO

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