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Morgan Freeman Narrated Another Pedestrian’s Life on JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE

Anyone who has ever visited Hollywood Boulevard, where Grauman’s Chinese Theater (that will always be its name to me) stands and where Jimmy Kimmel Live records out of the El Capitan Theater, can tell you the whole experience is a little underwhelming. For a street so synonymous with the glitz and glamour of the film industry, it doesn’t exactly feel very special; it doesn’t feel like the place where dreams come true.

Still, how many of us have imagined a life where we are so important, so famous, so relevant, that Morgan Freeman himself has been tasked with narrating our life? The answer is all of us. And Hollywood Boulevard is exactly where that dream can come true, for any single one of us, because for the second time as a guest on the show, the man with the golden pipes was asked by Jimmy Kimmel to narrate a random pedestrian walking outside the El Capitan, and Freeman was happy to oblige.

That’s when we got to meet “Chewing Something” Joe, with his shirt buttoned all the way, and what with his famous chewing and all. We first came across his story of walking and chewing and shirt-buttoning at Vulture, but damned if it won’t stay with us for the rest of our lives.


I wonder if “Chewing Something” Joe will ever meet “Perfect Selfie” Paul. I hope so.

So while you might be able to get Freeman to narrate your life by becoming a nominee for president, you can also live that fantasy by simply heading to Hollywood and having it happen by accident. Dreams can come true in Hollywood, all you have to do is show up.

What random event would you like to hear Morgan Freeman narrate? Tell us your suggestions in the comments below.

Images: ABC

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