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Morgan Freeman Channels his Inner Bieber in this Dramatic Reading

He’s been the creator of Batman’s tech. He’s been God. In London Has Fallen, he returns to the White House as the Vice President. Regardless of what role he’s playing, one thing is certain: Morgan Freeman can read ANYTHING and make it sound like the next great American novel.

We are not presenting the exception to the rule here. The above video has Mr. Freeman dramatically reading the lyrics to Justin Beiber’s “Love Yourself”—even that he can endow with some gravitas! While it may appear by the tone that he is reciting beautiful poetry, however, the inserts of Mr. Freeman’s facial expressions tell the real story. Here is the actual song by Bieber, so you can judge for yourself who did it better.

Freeman didn’t stop there. The other night on Jimmy Kimmel, he used Hollywood Boulevard as his backdrop to narrate the adventures of Perfect Selfie Paul. Stay to the end of this video for a cameo by Paul’s arch nemesis Selfie Steve.

It doesn’t matter what Morgan Freeman is doing, whether it’s acting or just going to the grocery store. As long as he is talking while doing it, the world is a much better place.

London Has Fallen, also starring Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, and Angela Bassett, opens in theaters March 4.

So what do you think? Which version would you rather listen to? What would you want Morgan Freeman to recite or narrate next? Let me know that the only correct answer is “everything” on Twitter or in the comments below.

HT: Entertainment Weekly

IMAGE: Warner Bros



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