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Kermit the Frog and Jack White Rock Out in a Car

It’s not easy being green, until you get to hang out with White. And then the two of you get to let out your frustrations about former long-haired female partners in entertainment-and-more. Yes, Kermit the Frog and Jack White have more in common than you might imagine just by looking at them. Check out how they end up dueting on “Fell in Love With a Girl.”

White guests in the season finale of The Muppets, a two-parter that’ll also feature Willie Nelson (careful, Kermit – his idea of “green” tends to get set on fire with a cigarette lighter, so be kind, Bud). Per an announcement on White’s record label’s blog, the former White Stripes frontman will be helping Kermit with his relationship with Miss Piggy:

Jack White has some important business to tend to with his friend Kermit involving matters of the heart. Tune into The Muppets season finale next Tuesday, March 1st and see if his efforts pay off!

You might say that Kermit’s relationship is about to get all Jacked up. What’s our froggy friend gonna do for Miss Piggy at Jack White’s behest? I’m thinking it’s about her doorbell, when’s he gonna ring it, when’s he gonna ring it? Bear enough gifts and supplication and he’ll have to fight her off – a seven nation army can’t hold Piggy back if she’s bribed and flattered sufficiently. And that’s nothing to snort at.

Do you want to see Muppetdom’s most famous couple back together, or have you been enjoying their time apart? Answer correctly in comments to avoid a porcine karate chop when you least expect it.

image: ABC

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