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Kermit & Swedish Chef Do a Perfect Lip Sync of Shaggy’s “It Wasn’t Me”

Look: The last thing we want to do is accuse Kermit the Frog, the world’s most beloved Muppet frog, of being unfaithful in his previous relationship with Miss Piggy. However, seeing Kermit perform a lip sync cover of Shaggy’s “It Wasn’t Me” certainly puts some disappointing thoughts in our heads.

Vulture teamed up with Adam Schleichkorn once again (remember when The Muppets did Eminem’s “My Name Is?”) for a brand new video of Kermit and Swedish Chef lip syncing the famous song about being caught red-handed in adulterous acts. Swedish Chef is a perfect casting choice for this, by the way: Like Shaggy, he is difficult to understand and comes from a faraway land.

But could it be so, Kermit? There were never any real reasons given for the break-up between he and Miss Piggy, although Miss Piggy did seem a lot more bitter about the split than Kermit did. Then, mere hours after announcing that the couple had dissolved their romantic relationship, Kermit tweeted (because of course a felt frog has its own Twitter account) that he was seeing Denise, a new pig who works in publicity at ABC.

Kermit and Miss Piggy had been together since the 70s, but did Kermit really throw away nearly 40 years of love for a young new fling? This mash-up video is in no way cannon, but then again, it’s the closest thing we have to an explanation. Or maybe we’re reading way too much into this.

Whatever. Enjoy this fun Internet video!


HT: Uproxx

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