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THE FLASH Releases Concept Art for Zoom’s Lair

During the first season of The Flash, the ultimate threat to Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) was the Reverse-Flash. For the second season, the Reverse-Flash seems like a pleasant memory compared to the living nightmare that Zoom (as voiced by Tony Todd) represents. And though it may be quite some time before viewers learn who is under Zoom’s mask, the most recent episodes have given fans a chance to see where Zoom goes when he isn’t tormenting the Flash or sending supervillains from Earth-2 to take out his rival. Concept artist John Gallagher has released two of his early designs for Zoom’s lair.

Zoom's Lair 1
It appears that Zoom’s hideout is an abandoned train station. The second piece of artwork even included a space for the captive Jesse Chambers-Wells (Violett Beane), the daughter of Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh), and potentially The Flash’s version of Jesse Quick if she survives her ordeal at Zoom’s hands.

Zoom's Lair 2

Gallagher’s design for Zoom’s headquarters was largely intact when it appeared in the show, as illustrated in this clip:

Given the state of the abandoned train station, it doesn’t appear that Zoom is all that interested in maintaining its upkeep. So the next question to come to mind is this: why did Zoom choose this place as his base of operations? What significance does it have for him?

Thus far, Zoom’s actions have been very methodical. He could have easily killed the Flash immediately, but first he wanted to humiliate him in front of the press, the police, and his friends. That strongly suggests Zoom has a desire for an audience, and he wants the people of two worlds to fear him. Perhaps Zoom’s choice of lairs plays into that mentality.

Why do you think Zoom choose this lair? Share your theories below!

Image: The CW/Warner Bros.



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