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Because Science

How Does DRAGON BALL Z’s Hyperbolic Time Chamber Work?

Imagine that you’re set to fight the most powerful villain the universe has ever seen and you know you’re not strong enough. What do you do? Stretch time until you’re ready to battle.

In my latest Because Science, I’m taking a look at what has to be one of the most useful training devices ever devised: the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. If you want to stretch a day into a year, Einstein may be your best best. He discovered that time isn’t rigid, it’s flexible. By changing either velocity or gravity, time can tick more slowly relative to the rest of the universe.

So how fast would the Earth have to move below the chamber to give Goku and Gohan enough time to train? Really, really, fast. Like Kaio-ken x 1,000,000.

Check out my last video on how spontaneous human combustion works, subscribe to this playlist to stay current with the show, buy a Because Science shirt, and follow me on Twitter to give me a suggestion for the next episode!

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