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Brothertiger’s “Into the Night” Remix Catchy as Hell (Premiere)

The delicate craft of the remix is second nature to Brothertiger, a.k.a. John Jagos, an electro-pop musician based in Brooklyn. In his music, the Toledo native seeks to capture the breadth of emotions inherent to the human experience.

Such emotional density is difficult to capture in one’s own art, let alone the art of another, and yet that was the impetus behind the latest Brothertiger offering: a remix of The Electric Sons’ “Into the Night.” For Jagos, the remix is one of the most appealing aspects of electronic music. So, in celebration of the latest record release, he did a remix swap with the Atlanta band. Today we’re premiering the Brothertiger end of the deal.

Jagos wouldn’t be such a gifted remixer if he weren’t a talented musician in his own right. His latest album, the 10-song LP Out of Touch, arrived in December with a heap of commentary acknowledging the musician’s acumen for vivid feeling. The Southern News, for example, declared it to be “sensitive, technically proficient and human.” According to the press release, Out of Touch was created to be an “auditory journey through a metaphorical jungle of emotional states – from tribulation, despair, and fatigue to serenity, joy, and tranquility.”

The same can be found in the “Into the Night” remix, which sounds as though Jagos took the original and wrapped it in a thin film. The song’s hesitant warble and backbone beat remain, but the vocal and synthesized melodies now sparkle behind a cloudy sky. The subtle gossamer at the surface creates a welcome tension, adding emotional depth apropos of the Brothertiger MO. And even with the additions, Jagos retains the original’s irrepressible hooks—it’s catchy as hell.


IMAGE: Andrew Piccone

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