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Batman and Superman Do Battle as Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots

If you’re anything like us, you may remember your parents having to break up real-life fights between you and other kids when you couldn’t settle who got to be a particular color of an identical plastic robot. It’s unclear if Mattel is aware of the ramifications of dipping their toes into the tie-in products for the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice with their new version of Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots. There will be more real fights over who gets to be who than actually playing the game.


Not much has changed in the way of the rocking and/or socking of robots; two people mash down on buttons causing their robot – or in this case DC superhero – to pummel their opponent. The only difference to this version according to the Amazon page states “Move them into position and pummel back and forth until one superhero “flies” off the platform!” Doubtful that Superman’s ability to fly really comes into play, but who knows? Toys today are amazing.

From this we can assume that the entire character gets knocked off the platform instead of their head being popped off. Slightly disappointing, though the punching off of heads doesn’t seem out of the question for Henry Cavill‘s Supes and judging from the trailers, Batfleck also seems motivated to cause some serious damage to the Kryptonian.


While we still have to wait until March 25, 2016 to see how the real fight turns out, you can get the Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots: Batman v. Superman Edition right now for $25.

We’ve all got our opinions on the movie, but who’d win in Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em form? Let us know in the comments below!

HT: Gizmodo
Images: Mattel

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