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Henry Cavill Explains Bruce Wayne’s Vendetta in BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE

In superhero comics, there’s an unwritten rule about superheroes fighting other heroes. If it happens, there should be a good reason for the conflict. Admittedly, not every crossover pulls that off, but it sounds like the upcoming live-action movie, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has a solid basis for the enmity between the title characters.

As it turns out, we’ve already seen the incident that set Bruce Wayne’s Batman (Ben Affleck) against Clark Kent’s Superman in Man of Steel. But there are definitely some spoilers ahead for Batman v Superman, so stop read now if you don’t want any more specifics!

You good? Okay, let’s go on.

During Man of Steel’s climactic battle in Metropolis, the inexperienced Superman didn’t even come close to saving everybody as the buildings crumbled around him. According to Cavill’s new interview with Total Film, Bruce Wayne was in Metropolis during that event and he was also present when the Wayne Financial Building came down.

“What happens there is one of Bruce’s buildings gets destroyed and he’s trying to save all the people inside the building and he can’t,” related Cavill. “So he is this angry person who fears what Superman may do. Why are they just going to trust this super-powered alien? What if he does decide to turn against us?”

Affleck added that Batman has “found himself in a place of harboring a tremendous amount of rage for Superman. So it’s how he got there, and what that’s done to him, and what that’s done to people around him like Alfred, who are, I think, very scared and worried for him. It’s something that’s interesting and new.”

Regarding the rumor that Affleck is co-writing a new solo Batman film with Geoff Johns for him to direct, Affleck made it sound like it was far from a done deal. But he did say “If I could make it work, yeah, obviously that would be like a dream. The trick is, as to any movie, is to make sure that you – if you’re going to direct it – that you can make it good. You’ve got to have the right idea and the right take on it… Broadly speaking, it’s something I’d be open to, for sure. It’s a very exciting idea.”

Batman v. Superman will open on March 25, 2016.

What do you think about the reasoning behind Batman and Superman’s upcoming battle? Share your thoughts below!

HT: Total Film & Variety
Image Credit: DC Entertainment / Warner Bros. Pictures

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