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Episode 3: You Made It Weird
Demetri Martin

You Made It Weird #3: Demetri Martin

Demetri and Pete get weird talking about how God is a bouncing ball, divorce and whether or not he feels “stuck in his persona.” Great episode with a great comedian!

Follow @peteholmez and @DemetriMartin on Twitter!

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Special thanks to Carvin for supplying us with the equipment we need to record this podcast! Check out for more information on recording equipment, guitars, amps and more!

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TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap



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  1. JC says:

    Dude, I love this podcast. Thank you. But try to not talk so much about yourself. Let your guests talk!

  2. Melanie says:

    Aww Pete Holmes!! I love you! And I love that you’re totally nerding out on Demetri Martin, he’s my favorite comedian.
    Uhh! I love you guys! Thank you for this.

  3. Nick says:

    Flatland! I remember reading that book. Extremely weird. Fits the podcast’s name well.

  4. Nick says:

    After talking about self-help and the deconstruction of language you might really enjoy a book from the psychological theoretical orientation – Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

  5. Booyay says:

    This is becoming one of my favorite podcasts. I listened to this episode twice in a row

  6. josh says:

    That “two marks” idea is brilliant. Simple and poignant. I hope Demetri develops it more. You make a good host, Pete. Plenty of energy to ensure each podcast has a great pace to it.

  7. JuJuCam says:

    Flatland is a great book! The whole text is available online if you google it. Most of the first half actually concerns itself with the social structure of the Flatlanders, including satire of Victorian era gender roles and class systems. That’s fairly entertaining but the real mindblowing extradimensional stuff comes in at part 2.

  8. Nathaniel Wedgington Hornswaggle III says:

    Saving link as…

  9. Manic Pixie Dream Gargoyle says:

    Actually maybe it was Babette’s Feast, but guessing Jeanne Dielman and being wrong is somehow funnier.

  10. Manic Pixie Dream Gargoyle says:

    THANK YOU FOR THIS GIFT. The gift… of laughter.

    The movie mentioned toward the end there is probably Jeanne Dielman.

    I’m liking this podcast, especially the parts about how the hell comedians manage relationships, because jeez. Am looking forward to the Chelsea Peretti one.

  11. Daniel Wall says:

    GAWLEE! pretty sweet podcast PTP!

  12. Remster says:

    Hey hey hey! I’ll let the ‘faggot’ thing slide, but don’t you DARE make fun of Smirnoff Ice!


  13. Justin says:

    What a great way to spend an hour and a half distracting me from myself.