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Y: THE LAST MAN Gets a Pilot Order From FX

It’s been a long journey to bring Y: The Last Man to live-action. Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra’s popular comic book series was originally going to be a feature film before it languished in development hell (or “DeHELLopment”) for years. FX has developed Y: The Last Man for television over the past three years, and now the project is finally moving forward.

FX has announced a pilot order for Y: The Last Man, which will apparently go by the shortened title Y. The original comic was first published by Vertigo in 2002, and it followed amateur escape artist Yorick Brown, as he inexplicably became the only living male human following an unexpected plague. Alongside his pet monkey, Ampersand, Yorick was forced to travel through a world controlled by women with the fate of humanity’s future dependent upon his survival.

Vaughan will be an executive producer on the potential series, and he developed it for television alongside co-showrunners Michael Green and Aida Mashaka Croal. Melina Matsoukas is also attached as an executive producer and the director of the pilot episode.

Given the long-form story of the comic, television may prove to be the best home for Y. The Walking Dead and Preacher have found success at AMC, while FX’s Legion has taken a lesser known Marvel hero and transformed his story into a mind-bending drama. We’re eager to see Y take shape, and hope it will get a chance to complete its tale after a multi-season run.

Who would you cast in Y? Share your dream picks in the comment section below!

Images: Vertigo

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