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2 New WONDER WOMAN Spots Want Us to Find Power Together

2 New WONDER WOMAN Spots Want Us to Find Power Together

Did you know we were less than two months out from the premiere of Wonder Woman (which hits theaters June 2nd)? You certainly wouldn’t know it from some sort of advertising onslaught, that’s for sure… because there hasn’t really been one. Not until this week, when director Patty Jenkins took to Twitter on Thursday night (perhaps in response to a bit of frustration from women on Twitter regarding the marketing campaign’s virtual non-existence?) to release a new commercial that’s hoping to unite us all in excitement under the banner of Themyscira.

Truth be told, it almost feels like we know more about Justice League than Wonder Woman at this point. Odd, considering the ad above posits Wonder Woman bears the origins of justice… and, y’know, the fact that one comes out well before the other (Justice League doesn’t hit theaters until November). But hey, we’re not in marketing, so what do we know? Other than the difference in press releases in our inbox and general experience with these sort of things as a member of the press.

We’re not trying to be salty, we’re simply frustrated that this film does not seem to be getting the same due as any other summer superhero flick that’s come out from the comic book houses. And we’re doubly afraid for what sort of conclusions they’ll draw from the box office numbers should the film not do well. And outside of all that, we’ve seen 20 minutes of the film already and we’re really excited to see more! So pardon our frustration if we just want DC and Warner Bros. to give this film just as much of a chance as all their male-fronted superhero films. Because as it stands right now, it feels like there’s a BIG difference.

Besides: who doesn’t want to see the sun’s first entry into the DCEU?! That’s something worth getting excited over.

Are you looking forward to Wonder Woman? Have you also noticed a lack of marketing (and yes, we’re talking beyond toys)? Let us know in the comments below.

Image: Warner Bros.

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor of Nerdist, creator/host of Fangirling!, and can often be found on Twitter!

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