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Who Will Join Elizabeth Banks in The POWER RANGERS Movie?

Though we’ve reported on the new Power Rangers movie before, nothing has caught our eye as particularly out of the ordinary—it’s been business as usual for the Rangers franchise. They’ve got a solid multicultural cast, a great director in Project Almanac‘s Dean Israelite, and a bunch of input from series creator and media mogul Haim Saban (who made sure to leave his mark on the official title: Saban’s Power Rangers). All fine and good in their own right, but none of these have gotten us as excited as this recent bit of casting news: Elizabeth Banks will be joining the cast as Rita Repulsa! Can you even imagine!?

Certainly not a stretch after her effervescent turn as Effie Trinket, the District 12 escort from The Hunger Games, we’re beyond thrilled to see Banks truly channel her dark side for the ostentatious villain. First of all, this is the first confirmation that the badass, psychotic alien witch would be appearing in the new feature film. But also, with such a home-run A-lister attached to the project, we have to wonder who else Israelite, Saban, and company might lure to the production? Who will play the beefy Lord Zed? Who will become the flying lion-bear-gorilla-thing Goldar?

Join Jessica Chobot as we discuss who we might want to see appear in the upcoming flick, on today’s Nerdist News!

Thanks for watching today’s show! If you want to join the fun and design a weapon for the 3D tower defense game fans like you are designing at Lenovo’s GameState, then click here to get in on Mission 3! And check out the latest episode of Nerdist: Play, where Malik is throwing down with Rooster Teeth’s gaming team Achievement Hunter.

Let us know in the comments who you want to see cast in the Power Rangers movie!

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