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What Does Luke’s ‘End’ Really Mean for THE LAST JEDI?

Last week, fans finally got to see the first trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and it ended on an ominous note regarding the future of the Jedi. Luke Skywalker said that “the Jedi must end;” which is clearly something that plays into the title of Episode VIII. But why would the keeper of the Jedi flame want to see his legacy extinguished? Today’s Nerdist News is one with the Force and the Force is with us as we look at some intriguing possibilities for the future of Star Wars.

There are potential spoilers ahead for The Last Jedi! Stop reading now if you wish to remain completely unspoiled!

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) Photo: Film Frames Industrial Light & Magic/Lucasfilm ©2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Join host, and rumored Grey Jedi, Jessica Chobot, as she offers an explanation for Luke’s change of heart and predicts what’s gonna happen next. If you’ve seen the trailer, then you already know that Luke is offering Rey some instruction on how to use the Force. If Luke felt that the Force itself was the problem, then why would he assist Rey?

Perhaps we need to take Luke literally at his word: the Jedi must end, but only to make way for something greater. Let’s face it, the Jedi Order wasn’t enough to stop the Empire from rising and Luke’s attempt to rebuild the Jedi ended disastrously. Maybe the real issue is the way that the Jedi approach the Force. Star Wars Rebels and other ancillary material in the new canon have suggested that there are ways to tap into the Force without being a Jedi. What if Luke is planning to introduce a more balanced approach to the Force that incorporates both the light side and the dark. That could explain why The Last Jedi poster seems to show Rey’s lightsaber switching colors as it expands upwards.


What do you think about Luke’s declaration about the Jedi? Ignite your lightsabers and let’s discuss in the comment section below!

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