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How THE LAST JEDI Trailer Mirrors the First One for THE FORCE AWAKENS

How THE LAST JEDI Trailer Mirrors the First One for THE FORCE AWAKENS

As 2017’s Star Wars Celebration wraps up this weekend, fans were treated to quite a bit of awesomeness from a galaxy far, far, away (or as some people call it, Orlando, Florida). From the 40th-anniversary panel to the announcement of Star Wars Rebels final season, Lucasfilm and Disney gave fans all the Star Wars info they could imagine.

Arguably everyone’s favorite moment, whether they attended Celebration or not, was the release of the teaser trailer for The Last Jedi. Over the last year or so, many people made comparisons between The Force Awakens and A New Hope, and how some the story beats were very similar. Well, thanks to Twitter user jessicanne, we can now look at the trailers for episodes VII and VIII the same way.

Keep in mind that this isn’t a frame by frame sync-up of the two trailers, but merely an exercise in the similarity between some of their shots.


This shot zooms in from the backs of two of the great leaders from The First Order and the Resistance, Kylo Ren and General Leia Organa. It not only represents the two sides in this war, but a family as well, with mother and son.

Trailer 2

This is my favorite shot of the comparison. The Force Awakens shot represents what Kylo Ren was striving for: to be like his grandfather. The Last Jedi shot, with Lord Vader’s mask completely destroyed, could symbolize Kylo Ren’s final act to wipe away any remnants of his past and move forward, essentially killing Ben Solo (Then again, he could have just been moving offices and dropped it. There was no super-glue anywhere in the trailer, so it’s anyone’s guess).

With Star Wars fandom as awesome and crazy as it is, we are looking forward to all the theories as to why everything seems so symmetrical.

What do you think? Which comparison shots were your favorites? Do you feel comparing the trailers like this will give us clues as to the fate of our heroes and villains? Let me know on Twitter or sound off in the comments below.

Images: Lucasfilm/Disney

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