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Nerdist Special Reports

“Weird Al” Talks About His Most Comedically Terrible Day for MILO MURPHY’S LAW

Aside from “the best parodist on the face of the earth,” I think a fair description of “Weird Al” Yankovic is “eternal optimist.” That is why Al’s latest gig is absolutely perfect: he voices the ever-sunny Milo Murphy in Disney XD’s Milo Murphy’s Law, the new show from Dan Povenmire and Jeff “Swampy” Marsh (the minds behind Phineas and Ferb).

The protagonist, Milo, is a 13-year-old boy who is the grandson of the Murphy’s Law namesake. You know, Murphy’s Law, the concept that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. So as a walking disaster magnet, Milo must navigate a slew of seemingly miserable, sequential catastrophes as he tries to accomplish quotidian tasks, like get to school on time. The thing is, Milo is like, the most optimistic kid of all time. He never lets his ridiculous circumstances gets him down and is always prepared for the unexpected. So, “Weird Al” is the perfect person to voice this resiliently happy young dude as he traverses treachery.

We were lucky enough to sit down with “Weird Al” as well as creators Povenmire and Marsh to discuss the reality of Murphy’s Law, how to cope when things go wrong, and what they hope people take away from the cheery new show. In another exclusive video below, we also asked the cast of Milo Murphy’s Law what they would pack in their emergency backpack if they were constantly afflicted by the terrible luck of Murphy’s Law. Check that out below.

What would you keep in your emergency backpack if you had to constantly plan for disaster? Let us know on Twitter.

Image: Martin Vien/Nerdist for RCA Records

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