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Benedict Cumberbatch Says SHERLOCK Season 4 Could Be the Final Season

Benedict Cumberbatch Says SHERLOCK Season 4 Could Be the Final Season

Sherlock fans have it rough. The amazing show starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman is crazy addicting, and some of the best TV ever. However, you can count each season’s episodes on one hand, and the approximate two year wait between seasons is enough to make any fan go nuts. Still, Sherlockians have been able to hang on knowing that the show’s fourth season was headed to TV screens soon. Unfortunately, it looks like that season is going to be a bit of a bittersweet addition to the series.

According to an interview with British GQ, Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock himself, said that the show’s fourth season might be its last. While Cumberbatch explains that he finds it “really galling” to never play Sherlock again, he makes it pretty clear that the cast and crew are ready to move on to other projects. Because of this, they made the season four finale feel as complete as they could. Though The Batch says they never say never on that show, but that, “it feels like the end of an era, to be honest. It goes to a place where it will be pretty hard to follow on immediately.” It makes sense for the show to finally take its final bow, especially with how busy Cumberbatch and his co-star Martin Freeman find themselves. Plus, it is nice to hear that the season will have a feeling of finality to it rather than leaving us on a huge cliffhanger that might never see resolution.

Cumberbatch’s words don’t come as a total surprise, either. As Paste Magazine reports, Steven Moffat expressed a similar sentiment over the summer, saying he wasn’t sure how long they could keep the show up. However, he did follow it up by reminding everyone that Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are pretty darn successful and don’t necessarily need to work on Sherlock. They keep coming back because they want to. With the stars’ love of the story and the show’s weird release schedule, maybe this won’t be the actual end. After all, it’s just like Sherlock to leave us wondering if we’ll ever see him again, right? Plus, if Sherlock can survive a swan dive off of a building, the show can totally survive a busy cast and crew.

Do you think season four will be the show’s final season, or do you think we’ll get more from our favorite consulting detective? Tell us what you think in the comments!

What did the show’s writer-producers have to say about season 4? Find out here!

Feature Image: BBC



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