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Watch William Shatner Worry About Exotic Food “Binding” Him up

William Shatner‘s upcoming new show on NBC is called Better Late Than Never, which, if his fears about what exotic foreign food might do to his digestive system come true, might also end up being what he says when he is finally able to use the bathroom.

Yeah, it sounds weird, we know, but we haven’t even told you how Henry Winkler fits into all of this yet.

In this promo for the show, which will send Shatner, Winkler, George Foreman, Terry Bradshaw, and comedian Jeff Dye on an “epic adventure throughout Asia” for a month with “no assistants, no limousines, and no lattes, in search of an intimate, life-changing experience,” Shatner tells Winkler that one his biggest concerns about eating strange foods isn’t that they’ll move through him too quickly, but rather that they won’t move through him at all.

“What happens if you don’t poo-poo-poo-poo on the trip,” said Captain Kirk, “I mean binding up after the stuff you’ve eaten, suddenly your whole innards clench.”

Now we got that image in our heads.

Honestly though–if those odds are correct–I’d be more worried about the blowfish, myself.

As this entire promo proves, Shatner and his lack of a filter combined with his unique perspective on the way the world views him, is kind of the perfect choice for this, which is based on the South Korean reality show Grandpas Over Flowers. (Uh, why didn’t they keep that name?)

Better Late Than Never debuts on Tuesday, August 23rd at 10 p.m., and hopefully it won’t spend a lot of time on the bowel movements of William Shatner.

What do you…..think…Captain Kirk is capable…of…..traveling in Asia….with other famous….peo…ple? Fill out your Captain’s Log in our comments below.

Image: NBC

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