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Vertigo Revives FABLES with New EVERAFTER Spinoff Series

For many comic book readers, July 2015 marked the end of an era. Specifically the era of monthly Fables comics hitting store shelves. After 150 issues, Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham bid a fond farewell to Bigby, Snow White, and the rest of the denizens of Fabletown, leaving us with 12 years’ worth of terrific comics. Now, though, Vertigo is bringing us back to the fantastical world of fables with Everafter: From the Pages of Fables, a new monthly comic book from writers Matthew Sturges and Dave Justus and artist Travis Moore, all of whom previously collaborated on the Vertigo digital-first series Fables: The Wolf Among Us, so you know it won’t be their first rodeo. The book will also feature covers by Tula Lotay, which if you know anything about her work is very good news indeed.


Everafter, which debuts this September, will take place in the days, weeks, and months after Fables concluded and will focus on a covert ops team “whose mission is to save this newly magical world from itself,” according to writer Dave Justus in a press release. The covert ops team in question is known as The Shadow Players, an elite group of agents–both Fable and mundane–who must serve the dual purpose of “policing a newly enchanted world and protecting humanity from itself.” And for longtime fans of the series, don’t worry — you’ll see some familiar faces too, like Peter Piper, Connor Wolf, Bo Peep, and Hansel, as well as some brand new characters too.


The multiple Eisner Award-winning comic by Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham, which was published through DC Comics’ Vertigo imprint from 2002 to 2015, putting out 150 single issues, as well as multiple spinoff series and prose collections. While Everafter is by no means the first Fables spin-off series, it is the first one to tell a story after the main Fables continuity, which makes it uncharted territory, narratively speaking.

Everafter is an extraordinary opportunity for us to build onto the stories of characters from Fables that we love, offer new revelations, flesh out the lives of some lesser known characters, and bring brand-new Fables into the mix,” said artist Travis Moore in a statement. “For me, it’s always a joy to get to design new characters; I’m bringing a more dynamic action style to the Fables community than fans have seen from me.” 
Everafter comes to your local comic book store this September.

Are you excited for Everafter? What plot threads do you hope to see the comic pick up? Let us know in the comments below.
Image: Vertigo Comics

Dan Casey is the senior editor of Nerdist and the author of books about Star Wars and the Avengers. Follow him on Twitter (@Osteoferocious).

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