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TV-Cap: Watch the First Trailer for the SCREAM TV Series, a ROCKY HORROR TV Event in the Works, & More

What a weekend. Do you ever watch so much television that you feel overstimulated? I think I have a Game of Thrones and Daredevil hangover. Then again, I might just have a hangover from all the sugar and junk I consumed while watching those two series over the weekend. I don’t want to see another box of Runts for a long, long time. Anyway. How about some television news? Watch the first trailer for the Scream television series (yes, it’s a thing), check out an awkward-great clip from this week’s The Flash, and much more.

Slashers on TV. After four films, the Scream franchise is headed to television. I guess it’s only the logical next step in this day and age. Emphasis on guess. Scream the TV series will premiere on MTV on June 30, and the first trailer shows blood and deaths. Though the premise is apparently a YouTube video going viral and then leading to problems for the teens of Lakewood, none of that is really hinted at in the trailer so…

No Reboot for Now. Not everything needs to be brought back, remade, or rebooted. It’s nice to see some blasts from the pasts, but original content is neat. One show that won’t be returning anytime soon is Freaks and Geeks. The series was canceled after one season. Show creator Paul Feig attended the TV Land Awards and said, “I think ‘Freaks and Geeks’ may just be set in amber for now. I don’t think I could afford the cast. They’re all too big now.” [Variety]

Not Holding Back. I’m five episodes into Marvel’s Daredevil and can’t tell you how desperately I want to kick back on the couch and watch the rest of Season 1. It’s gripping and dark and the visuals–I could continue the praise for paragraphs. Joe McCabe was on the red carpet for the premiere and spoke with Daredevil’s executive producer Steven S. DeKnight, Marvel’s Jeph Loeb, and more about the inventive show. Watch the interview right here at Nerdist.

Deals and Dollars. Does anyone not need more Dwayne Johnson in his or her life? You’ll be able to see him on television on a regular basis soon because his new series Ballers premieres on HBO on June 21. I can’t say that I’m that excited about a football-centric series, but it has Johnson so I’m in. [/Film]

Science Fiction Double Feature. Television needs more men in garter belts and bustiers, and Fox is working on a remake to fill that void. This year marks the 40th anniversary of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and television is joining the countless movie theaters and theaters that will likely be celebrating the occasion. Fox is developing a two-hour event special remake of the classic currently called The Rocky Horror Picture Show Event. Start dream casting now. [Deadline]

That Got Awkward. Ray Palmer and Felicity Smoak are headed to Central City in this week’s The Flash. The title of the episode is “All-Star Team Up,” and no, I’m not making that up. It’s kind of silly but also kind of great. In a new clip, Ray talks about having a hard time keeping it up and the it, of course, refers to his Atom suit, but you can imagine the turn the conversation takes. [TVLine]

Gather ‘Round, Children. Westeros is not a place for kids–kids shouldn’t watch it and kids shouldn’t live there. It’s too dangerous. But leave it to Team Coco to team up with George R.R. Martin to develop a kid-safe version of the brutal Game of Thrones that teaches valuable lessons about decapitation and politics. OK, maybe Lil Thrones isn’t so kid-friendly either. Watch the video and judge for yourself.

A World of Trouble. Have some laughs with your geopolitical crises in HBO’s The Brink. The comedy stars Tim Robbins and Jack Black and premieres on June 21. Balancing global danger with a side of comedy can’t be an easy task, but this trailer makes me feel like it can be done.

Rolling in South Centros. We’ve seen rough areas of the Seven Kingdoms in Game of Thrones, but what about the super sketchy areas? Saturday Night Live introduces us to the realm of South Centros. It’s just as cutthroat as the rest of the realm and even Jaime Lannister looks less than thrilled about riding through. [Hitfix]

How are you feeling about the Scream trailer? Should the franchise die? Head to the comments and let me know your thoughts.

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