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At Last! GAME OF THRONES Made Kid-Friendly (Ha) in Team Coco’s LIL THRONES

The night is dark and full of Game of Thrones spoilers, kids. (By that we mean this post tells the series’ secrets, so be warned now.) So if you’re Wilding out trying to avoid past season story points, go ahead and turn away from this post now. For the rest of us? It’s onward and upward towards the cutest bit of murder-y madness that the children in your life have ever seen: meet the kids of Lil Thrones. The Saturday morning iteration of everyone’s favorite incest-y murderfest — but for little kids! Because inappropriate is the new totally awesome.

Our hilarious buds over at Team Coco worked with the wizard of Westeros’ weary world — George R.R. Martin — to craft a kiddie version of everyone’s favorite show of murderous incest. Because what better way to entertain our children than through the hard-earned life lessons that are “everybody dies,” “politics is a ladder,” “don’t trust anyone,” and “fuck your [brother] to the top” than with animated kings and kingdoms (and a couple dragons to boot)? Besides, nudity, corruption, and castration are way easier to swallow when it’s animated and cutesy, no?

Good luck getting this theme song out of your heads, by the way. Valar Morghulis! We’re all screwed.

Naturally, all of this got us thinking about other incredibly appropriate shows to be remade for children. Like, say, The Lil Sopranos, Lil Dead Walkers, Lil True Detectives, or maybe even Lil Black Mirrors. What would you suggest? Let us know in the comments.

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