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TOP GUN 2 Will Take Tom Cruise Back to the Danger Zone

TOP GUN 2 Will Take Tom Cruise Back to the Danger Zone

In today’s example of “Umm, sure, we didn’t think we needed this, but why not?!” we got another instance of ’80s nostalgia–and really the continued power of movie stardom–giving us a sequel. Tom Cruise–surely you know him–announced on an Australian morning show that, yes, indeed, there will be a Top Gun 2, filming in the next year. Take a look!

Top Gun is the 1986 fighter pilot movie that made Cruise a huge megastar, and also gave the world a very successful soundtrack album containing tracks like Kenny Loggins’ “Danger Zone” and Berlin’s “Take My Breath Away.” What exactly Maverick could be up to 30+ years after his initial Goose-killing adventure is anyone’s guess, but we’re pretty sure he could do a shot-for-shot redux of the volleyball scene and it would still be awesome.

More news on this as it develops. Are you jazzed for another Top Gun? Let us know in the comments below!

Image: Paramount Pictures

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