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THE MUMMY Trailer Throws an Undead Tom Cruise All Over the Place

THE MUMMY Trailer Throws an Undead Tom Cruise All Over the Place

One of the greatest gifts given to us by recent action-adventure cinema was, of all things, a training montage featuring Tom Cruise. Distinguishing itself from its ilk, this particular training montage–which can be found smack dab in the middle of Edge of Tomorrow–forced its reincarnation-happy hero through death after death after death, never quite rubbing him out of existence, but running him through the ringer something fierce. Say what you will about Tom Cruise, but he sure does throw himself full force into a beating.

And in case you’d forgotten that in these three short years since the release of Edge of Tomorrow (now known as Live, Die, Repeat), the new trailer for The Mummy is hell-bent on reminding you.

We see lots of bad stuff happen to Cruise in this first trailer for the film, a reboot of the 1999 favorite that, while entertaining in its own right, distracted from Brendan Fraser’s rightful path to superstardom as a comic genius. (As they say, don’t @ me.) In this quick trailer alone, we see Cruise endure a plane crash, tossed from a moving car, and punched yards into the air–only to bellow back down again–by a vicious demon with no patience for his bravado.

And if I may be frank, it works. Cruise may be a certified nutter-butter, but his devotion to stunt work is nothing shy of impressive. As a result, this new version of The Mummy actually looks like it might be a pretty good time. Let us know what you think of the trailer!


Images: Universal

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