If you stay on the internet for an extended period of time, there is a good chance you could lose faith in our future. However, thanks to a kid scientist, that faith can be restored.
Meet Oliver, a five-year-old budding scientist. This video, reported by Gizmodo, has him not only teaching us all about tornadoes but also how you can create one in the comfort of your own home.
Taking vinegar, water, dish soap, and food coloring, Oliver was able to form a small tornado in a jar. Not only is the step by step process adorable, but also very informative, as he explains what causes the tornadoes to form in the first place.
The video continues with Oliver talking about the different levels of a tornado from the small F1s to the awe-inspiring F5s. Oliver’s passion for science would bring a smile to even Brock Lesnar’s face (Lesnar is a WWE superstar whose finishing move is called the F5, and whose mug is usually either stern or screaming). The video closes out with some safety tips to abide by during tornadoes. He makes no mention of other dimensions with talking lions, but that could be in a later video.
If the future of science, and our planet, are left in the hands of awesome kids like Oliver, I am definitely resting a little easier.
You can check out more of Oliver’s videos (as well as his love of Hot Wheels) on his YouTube channel here.
So what do you think? Are you on your way to the store to get your kids his or her first lab coat? Let me know on Twitter or sound off in the comments below.
Image: Oliver’s Videos