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This Fan-Made VHS Art of Modern TV + Movies Makes Us Perfectly Nostalgic

On April Fool’s Day, the internet was pummeled with fake stories and pranks left and right. Some were fun time wasters (Google Maps’ Pac-Man mode), while we desperately wished others (sup Mad Max Power Wheels) were indeed real. The best jokes or stories were ones that seemed so authentic, you could swear they already existed.

As a child of the 80’s, nothing made me happier than one man’s tribute to the long ago physical media of my past. French artist Julien Knez has mocked up some amazing fake VHS tapes of current movies and TV shows. The artist told Buzzfeed, “I created them for April Fools’ Day, pretending I was a Parisian hipster named Stan who only watched modern TV and movies on VHS.” Fair enough. If video stores stocked these tapes, I bet eager hipsters would be snatching them up all over. The mock covers include hit shows such as The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad along with new sci-fi favorites like Guardians of the Galaxy and Gravity.

Knez told The Verge that each cover took over an hour to create using Adobe Photoshop. His personal favorites of the ones he created? Game of Thrones and Interstellar. The artist didn’t just mock up the cover art on his computer, he also posted photographs of actual VHS boxes sporting his designs. The detail and care taken in making each of these, from the old-style fonts to the faded out images, makes us nostalgic for our VCR’s already.

Take a look at all of Knez’s amazing VHS cover creations below. Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

(h/t Golem 13)


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