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This Diorama Makes Us Want a LEGO THE LAST OF US Game

This Diorama Makes Us Want a LEGO THE LAST OF US Game

How many LEGO bricks does it take to recreate a dystopian city block from The Last of Us? Well, if you’re looking to perfectly encapsulate the mood of the game, about 20,000 connectable bricks (via Kotaku). Designer and LEGO extraordinaire Tim Schwalfenberg created a diorama of a whole block from The Last of Us that shows off both the exteriors and interiors of buildings. Anti-hero Joel and his partner in crime, Ellie also are embrickenedâ„¢. The whole build is stunning. Take a gander at the images in the photo gallery at the bottom of the page to see what we mean.

The Last of Us LEGO Tim Schwalfenberg 7

The attention to detail will impress anyone who’s played through Naughty Dog’s now classic title because it seems like the scenes have sprung to life, straight out of the game. The look of overgrown shrubs and crumbling buildings adds the perfect touch. Even the choice of darker colored bricks is reminiscent of The Last of Us’ abandoned beauty.

Based on the piece, it’s clear how well a LEGO rendition of the moody game could work. Can you imagine how the game would play out if the tender moments between Joel and Ellie were given the light-hearted TT Games spin? Call me a crazy clicker, but I think it would work.

In total, this project took over 100 hours to complete, and was clearly worth it because it turned out stellar. What do you think about the diorama? Are there any other game you’d like to get this LEGO treatment? Do you think a LEGO The Last of Us video game would ever work? Does this make the wait for the sequel to Naughty Dog’s masterpiece even harder? Let us know in the comments below. But don’t make too much noise. You don’t want to wake the clickers.

Images: Tim Schwalfenberg


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