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The Real Reason Kylo Ren Turned to the Dark Side Before THE FORCE AWAKENS

When Yoda said, “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” he may have been a bit off the mark.—purveyors of all things, well, dorkly—have summed up the most likely reason Ben Solo turned his back on the light and embraced the Dark Side of the force as Kylo Ren: It’s just way cooler.

In the video-gamed (totally a verb) short on their YouTube channel, Dorkly makes a solid case for how appealing the Dark Side really is in the Star Wars universe. For starters, they embraced how bad-ass red lightsabers are, calling dibs across the board while the Light Side gets to choose from a wide range of pastels. But it’s not just the cool merch.

Jedi like Yoda, Obi-wan, and Luke all ended up “creepy sad weirdos who lived by themselves as hermits for decades” while every Sith we’ve seen has, in some way, had their finger on the pulse of modern society. Additionally, Sith aren’t sworn to celibacy (like Jedi are, in some incarnations of the canon) and can, if that’s your thing, get involved.


“Hey girl, what’re you drinkin?” – “IT’S A SCHNAPP!”

Perhaps the most damning evidence that the Light Side isn’t all it’s cracked up to be is the difference in Force powers. The Sith have the versatile and, let’s face it, way cool Force Lightning, while the Jedi lay claim to the actual, and quite canonical, Animal Friendship. Yes, somewhere along line, instead of training for Force Lightning, the Jedi decided it’d be a better use of their power to befriend animals. And yes, the power is also occasionally called “Beast Control,” but that still doesn’t make it much cooler.

Would any of this bring you to the Dark Side? What side has the best powers in your opinion? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Images: Dorkly

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