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The Death Star Engineer Makes Some Good Points

You know, we as a society sure have given a lot of crap to the design of the Death Star and, as it turns out, a fair amount of it was unfounded.

Beyond the fact that the mass and gravity of the Death Star would cause major issues for surrounding systems and for itself once a planet is destroyed, it’d also be incredibly difficult to pilot. Then there’s also the likelihood of the fragmented pieces of a destroyed planet seeking out the nearest gravitational pull, which would result in the Death Star being bombarded with chunks of Alderaan. Even if we were to ignore those two facts, the good folks over at Dorkly took another point of fact to task in a recent video. Although criticizing the fact the definitely-not-a-moon space station had exhaust ports is completely irrational for a number of reasons.

The videos Dorkly puts out are fantastic at shining light onto things in movies and games that don’t make sense and boy is this one a doozy. In the video, the engineer of the Death Star is holding a meeting in which he addresses the fact he’s been blamed, force lightning-ed, and choked both “Force” and “regular” style for his designs. However the truth of the matter is that the exhaust ports were there for a very important reason: to do their job.

Pointing out a moon-sized space station should rightfully have a fair amount of exhaust to get rid of and that it was amazing that he was able to design a system as small as it was to begin with. Chances are that if you’re reading this article you’re well aware the ports were no bigger than a womp rat [2-3 meters according to Star Wars wikia] so the fact a humongous station like that can function with such an unobtrusive design in the first place should have won the engineer an award in efficiency.

Despite all these good points, the engineer wasn’t invited to the redesign meetings where we finally find out that The Emperor’s undoing was ultimately his own. At least the engineer get’s his “mic drop” moment and hopefully wasn’t on the space station the second time around.

What do you think of Dorkly’s video? Is there some sort of canon everyone has missed about proton torpedo trajectory patterns? Let us know in the comments below!

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