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THE LAST JEDI’s Rian Johnson Learns “Porg” Is Not a Real Word

Director Rian Johnson really lined up everything perfectly with The Last Jedi, which scored Lucasfilm a huge hit. The film was critically acclaimed, smashed box offices around the world, and brought the franchise to new and exciting places. It also introduced Star Wars fans to the latest and greatest adorable creatures in the galaxy far, far away: porgs. But apparently even though the doe-eyed, squealing birds are real on Ahch-To doesn’t mean they count as a real word here on Earth, as Johnson found out when he played Words With Friends.

The director shared a screengrab of one of his games from the online Scrabble knockoff, where his attempt to play “porg” was rejected for not being an “acceptable word.”

“Porg” is not inherently a proper noun, any more than “penguins” would be, so this doesn’t necessarily prove Words With Friends is secretly run by a bunch of Star Wars hating Trekkies. “Jedi” doesn’t count either, but the fact we always respectfully capitalize “Jedi” would disqualify it anyway.

We can’t even try “Ewoks,” since that is also officially capitalized for some inexplicable reason. (Do we capitalize “humans?” No one would write “The Ewoks were helped on the Moon of Endor by the Humans?)

Strangely though Words With Friends does accept the words “Force” and “Dark” and “Side,” so who knows what’s going on…..What’s that? Those are also words here on Earth you say? Well where do they think porgs actually come from? A galaxy far, far away, or the VFX lab at Lucasfilm?

What Star Wars words do you think should count as real words? Tell us in the comments below.

Featured Image: Lucasfilm

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