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THE GREENLIGHTER is the Female Superhero We Need Right Now

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a *record screech* female superhero? Wait, what? How can this be? It’s not 2017 yet—isn’t it too soon? Not according to The Greenlighter, our buds at Above Average’s parody take on the tiny bit of effort it takes to put a women into an ass-kicking leading role.

Turning the movie studios heads into the evil villains, The Greenlighter (a female movie executive tasked with squashing the “but it’s not canon!” dreams of many perturbed nerd) puts on her power suit and digs deep—into the actual, literal garbage—to find a way to turn one of these heroes into a lady. But what will her superpowers be? Earth-shattering sex? Changing guys’ opinions? Being able to keep one of those impossible comic book costumes on while kicking ass in heels? Amazingly enough, no.

Watch as The Greenlighter manages to tackle the incredibly difficult and totally tedious task of turning a woman into a hero on the big screen. It’s actually …totally not as hard as you would maybe think. Maybe she can use her powers to greenlight a Lady Justice film?

But that leaves us wondering: what’s next? A gay Spider-Man? Leave your completely outlandish and totally crazy* suggestions for non-straight white-dude superheroes in the comments below.

*Only not at all, because, well duh. Right?

HT: Above Average

Alicia Lutes is the Associate Editor of The Nerdist and would love to see all sorts of different superheroes get their own movies. Tweet her about it @alicialutes.

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