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The Blue Lion Is Rediscovered in DREAMWORKS VOLTRON LEGENDARY DEFENDER (Exclusive Preview)

In just under two weeks, the legend of Voltron will live again in the new DreamWorks Voltron Legendary Defender animated series on Netflix. Everything you thought you knew about the story has been reimagined for a new generation by the team behind Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra.

Ahead of the series premiere, we’ve got an exclusive DreamWorks Voltron Legendary Defender preview that catches up with Keith, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, and Shiro (he’s not called Sven this time!) as they stumble upon the resting place of the Blue Lion, one of the five robot lions that comprise Voltron himself. And we have to say this: whoever designed those secret passages really had no concern for safety at all!

We’ve also got four photos in our gallery below that feature the Blue Lion’s resting place, and another pic that shows off the scale of Blue Lion in comparison to our heroes. There’s also a picture of all five space explorers that practically screams, “Let’s go Voltron!” And finally, there’s this shot of all five robot lions reunited at last:

Voltron Legendary Defender 5 Lions

In this incarnation, the Black Lion appears to be much larger than the other lions, while the Red and Green Lions are noticeably smaller. The Red and Green Lions are Voltron’s arms, while the Yellow and Blue Lions transform into Voltron’s legs. It’s also a Voltron tradition that whoever flies the Black Lion gets to dramatically shout, “And I’ll form the head!”

An hour-long origin story and ten episodes of DreamWorks Voltron Legendary Defender will hit Netflix on Friday, June 10.

What did you think about the latest clip fromDreamWorks Voltron Legendary Defender? Dynotherms connected, infracells up, and mega thrusters are go in our comment section below!

Images: DreamWorks Animation Television/Netflix


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