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That GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Groot Swing is More Special Than We Thought

If our incessant posting of Tested build videos has shown anything, it’s how much we love makers. Given the right inspiration, they prove that, truly, anything can be done. However, little did we realize just how special a recent thing we shared with you really is.

Last month, director James Gunn Instagramed a photo he’d discovered of a recently constructed Groot swing he (and us) assumed was created by a set of loving parents for their child. But, it turns out truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction as it appears, in reality, the swing was a build for the first episode of a new web series titled Super-Fan Builds that just so happens to be hosted by none other than Nerdist friend and “All About That Base” star Alison Haislip.

We never thought we’d ever get to see the process that created the Groot swing, but we’re so happy we did, as well as the child’s reaction to first learning of its existence. But the best part of the video, by far, is the dad’s reaction because, honestly, we too would probably cop to being more excited than the child who already has his “oh s**t” dial turned to eleven.

If these are the kinds of builds we can expect from the new Break production, then you can bet we’ll be turning in every episode to see what other crazy fan inspired builds will be hitting the web. Thus far, we’ve learned the first season will feature creations inspired by The Hobbit, Batman, Bioshock and more, and will be release bi-weekly on the AWE Me channel.

What would you like to see the Super-Fan Builds team tackle? Let us know in the comments below.

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