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Wonder Woman is a comic book legend, cultural icon, and now a record breaking blockbuster smash hit! But what do you know about the man behind the lasso? Angela Robinson’s Professor Marston and the Wonder Women shines a light on William Marston, his unconventional life, and the women–Olive Byrne and Elizabeth Holloway–who inspired him. The movie’s hitting screens on October 13th and to prepare, sequential storytelling royalty Terry Moore has designed a gorgeous poster in the style of a golden age comic and we’ve got an exclusive first look at it!

The stunning art showcases the main cast of Luke Evans, Rebecca Hall, and Bella Heathcoate in Moore’s beautiful style that fans will likely recognize from his seminal book Strangers in Paradise–which coincidently was just picked up for adaptation to be helmed by none other than Professor Marston and the Wonder Women director Angela Robinson herself!

If you’re lucky enough to be in NYC next week and want to grab a copy for yourself and meet the cast of the movie, then head on down to Forbidden Planet on Monday, October 9th at 12:30pm! You’ll have the chance to grab a mini poster and meet Evans, Hall, Heathcoate, and visionary director Angela Robinson. This is a first come first serve event so make sure you get there early and don’t miss out on this rad chance to rub shoulders with the stars and grab some beautiful free art by a comics master!

Will you be in NYC for NYCC this weekend? Are you going to make sure you get to Forbidden Planet and grab a piece of comics art? Or are you just super excited to see the movie? Let us know in the comments!

Images: Annapurna Pictures 

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