Rosie Knight
Rosie Knight is a lifelong comics fan and journalist. She makes comics and writes about them right here. You'll also probably see her writing about a bunch of other stuff she loves too. You can follow her @rosiemarx.

Everything Coming to Streaming in February 2019

11 Comics We Can't Wait to Read in 2019

There Will Be No Sweethearts Candies Sold This Valentine's Day

LION KING Tie-In Graphic Novel Coming from Dark Horse (Exclusive)

UMBRELLA ACADEMY Final Trailer Introduces Your New Favorite Superhero Family

How GLASS Lets Down Its Women Characters

SHAZAM!'s Zachary Levi Talks Marvel Killing Off Fandral

How Zachary Levi and Asher Angel Balance The Two Sides Of Shazam

Jack Dylan Grazer Talks Being SHAZAM!’s Superhero Sidekick

What the Oscars Lack, We Find in This Year's Women-Directed Films

MORTAL KOMBAT Co-Creator Ed Boon on the 27 Year Journey

New SHAZAM Preview Showcases the Power of DC’s New Superhero

James McAvoy Didn't Realize SPLIT Was Setting Up a Sequel

TOLKIEN Biopic Starring Nicholas Hoult Gets Release Date

8 Movies and TV Shows About Comics

MORTAL KOMBAT 11 Reveals First Gameplay and Characters

How SPIDER-MAN's Villains Can Help Shape the MCU

Is Sony’s Animated GHOSTBUSTERS Movie from the INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE Team?

New CAPTAIN MARVEL Posters Include the Most Important Character

The Secret Origin of the Word SHAZAM

Netflix Announces Biggest Price Hike So Far

JOHN WICK 3 Title and Release Date Revealed

Introducing the Cover of Alex London's RED SKIES FALLING