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Talking with THE FLASH’s Allison Paige About Her Character, Trajectory

Who’s ready for some girl power on The Flash?

The CW’s DC Comics series is about to introduce its first ever lady speedster in tonight’s fun episode, “Trajectory.” Barry (Grant Gustin) and the rest of the STAR Labs team try to blow off some steam by taking a night out on the town, only to encounter Eliza Harmon (Allison Paige), a.k.a. Trajectory, a speedster who is up to no good.

And Paige knows how long fans have been waiting to see a female speedster come to life, not only on The Flash, but on superhero TV shows in general.

“Right? It’s about time!” Paige tells Nerdist with a laugh. “And I’ve got to say, as soon as I put on Trajectory’s costume, I felt like I could kick all of the ass. She’s so badass. It’s such an honor to me, playing the first female speedster. The superhero world is a lot of males, a lot of male superheroes. I love how recently there’s been Supergirl and all these amazing female superheroes becoming more prominent in the superhero world. To be the first female speedster, I love representin’ ladies because we can hang, and we’re tough and we can play with the boys and kick some ass! I love it.”

The Flash

As soon as Paige landed her role on The Flash, she did her homework and looked into Trajectory’s story in the comics.

“I love about the creators and the writers of The Flash is they’re not scared, not only with Trajectory’s background and story but with other characters too, to mix things up and make it their own and change things,” Paige says. “In doing that, that allowed me to have more freedom to make Trajectory my own and put my own spin on her and not have to stick specifically to how she was in the comics.”

While Trajectory got her speed powers from Lex Luthor in the comics, obviously the Superman baddie isn’t going to appear on The Flash. So how will Trajectory’s arc on the show compare to the comics?

“I know in the comics she has a pull and push with her morality, and you’ll still definitely see that struggle within her,” Paige says. “I loved how I got to make the choice for her to be super sassy and really enjoy the trouble that she causes. She likes it. She doesn’t mind it. She has fun with it.”

While some fans are hoping that Barry and Eliza become a thing since they have so much in common, Paige promises that some sparks are going to fly, but maybe not in the way that people are expecting.

The Flash

“It’s definitely going to be a cool meeting of personalities between Barry and Eliza,” Paige laughs. “Trajectory thinks of the Flash as this thorn in her side. She’s got this new power and she wants to explore it. She wants to cause a little trouble. And of course, he doesn’t want to let that happen. So she’s annoyed by him. Like, ‘come on dude, you’re ruining my good time here!'”

While Paige is only slated to appear in this one episode, she’s hoping that after tonight’s episode, she might return at some point in the future.

“The fun and wonderful thing about this DC Comics world is that you never really know,” Paige says. “You might think someone’s gone, or someone is going to stay, and things can change so quickly. People can appear or disappear for reasons you don’t expect. So that’s all up to the creators and writers to see where they want to take the character.”

The Flash

So what is Eliza is up to in Central City in tonight’s episode?

“You’ll see me share screen time with pretty much everybody, causing trouble for everyone,” Paige says with a laugh. “I love the dynamic between the Flash and Trajectory. They’re so different. Barry is so good and just wants to do the right thing and constantly make himself better and Trajectory is just stirring shit up for him. It was fun to work that element of how she deals with him trying to stop her and set her straight. She’s definitely misguided. On the surface, she may just seem like a troublemaker trying to stir stuff up and make it hard for the Flash. But she has deeper meanings for doing what she does. She’s not all bad. She definitely is just misguided and a little reckless but not completely bad by any means. There’s a lot of conflict that’s going on underneath her surface.”

And that internal conflict means there’s a chance that Trajectory could be swayed over to the good side… and eventually join the STAR Labs team.

“There is that element to her that could, but there’s also that element to her that might not ever be able to change,” Paige teases. “That’s the fun part that the fans will be able to determine for themselves after the episode. Could she or couldn’t she turn good?”

How psyched are you to finally see a lady speedster make her way on to The Flash? Tweet me your thoughts at @SydneyBucksbaum!

Images: The CW

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on The CW.





Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)
