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First Footage From the SUPERGIRL/THE FLASH Crossover is Here!

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s …the first multi-network crossover event!

Supergirl and The Flash are about to make history (and my own nerdy dreams come true) with the upcoming superhero event combining the two comic book series into one massive episode on Monday, March 28. But why wait that long to see the Scarlet Speedster and the Woman of Steel come face-to-face for the first time? Nerdist has your first look at the big crossover event with the very first teaser trailer for the episode, “Worlds Finest.” And emphasis on the word “teaser” since that is exactly what it does: tease.

Press play on the video below to watch the epic promo footage now! Fair warning: it’s only about 10 seconds long, but it’s 10 seconds of epic, so go ahead and check it out:

Ummmm, that just left me a little breathless. CBS, why do you have to tease me like that?!

The crossover—which will air as an episode of Supergirl with The Flash‘s Grant Gustin appearing as a guest star—will focus on how Kara (Melissa Benoist) gains a new ally when the lightning-fast superhero the Flash suddenly appears from an alternate universe. Barry will lend his speedy services to help Supergirl battle Siobhan, a.k.a. Silver Banshee (Italia Ricci), and Leslie Willis, a.k.a. Livewire (Brit Morgan), in exchange for her help in finding a way to return him home to his own universe.


Gustin may be the only CW actor crossing over to CBS, but how psyched are you for this huge superhero crossover event with Supergirl and The Flash now that you’ve gotten a little taste of the promo footage? Tweet me your thoughts at @SydneyBucksbaum!

Images/video: CBS

Supergirl‘s crossover with The Flash airs Monday, March 28 at 8 p.m. on CBS.

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