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Szechuan Sauce is Coming to THE SIMPSONS in a Mini RICK AND MORTY Tribute

When Rick and Morty made Szechuan SauceMcDonald’s long forgotten Mulan promotional condiment–a major part of its season three premiere, it set off an unexpected frenzy that led to thousands of furious fast food goers (seriously). And now another beloved animated series is dipping its toe into that dangerous sauce. But don’t expect any kind of mass hysteria this time around, because it’s only showing up as a little homage from The Simpsons to their cartoon brethren.

Show runner Al Jean gave a little sneak peek on Twitter from the opening credits of this Sunday’s upcoming new Simpsons episode, and it shows Maggie holding a certain bottle in the checkout lane.

While the label might be a little blurry, that clearly looks like the bottles of Szechaun Sauce McDonald’s gave away to Justin Roiland and a few lucky fans earlier this year (before the disastrous in-store release).

And if there was any doubt about exactly what it is Maggie is holding, Jean already confirmed it is Szechuan Sauce and why it made it on to the show.

This is not the first time The Simpsons and Rick and Morty have come together.

Does Marge realize what Maggie is holding and how valuable it is? Considering how often the Simpsons family struggles financially, they should seriously consider putting that bottle on eBay. Although knowing how tasty the stuff really is, we doubt Homer will be able to part with it once he gets a taste of that sweet, salty Szechuan Sauce. Hmmm…condiments from the ’90s.

And please, when you watch The Simpsons this weekend remember that McDonald’s is bringing it back in a much wider release this winter. So please don’t let this end the way it did after it was on Rick and Morty.

Are you tired of Szechuan Sauce, or do you need more of it? Take a dip in our comments section below and let us know.

 Featured Image: Fox, Adult Swim

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